Welcome to Powerful Intentions!
Powerful Intentions is a unique, online community of people from all walks of life who possess three very important and focused qualities.
Those qualities are:
You believe in the Power of Intentions And The Law Of Attraction And You Are Enthusiastically "Attracted" to be here By Inspired Action!
The P.I. Team's Powerful Intended Result is to:
Create the most fertile community in the world for people to manifest their Intentions!
People who join P.I. are "set up" to BE Successful.
Brilliance, Fun, Luck, Joy and Ease can't help but rub off on them to positively raise their vibration!
Unlimited numbers of the "right" people attracted to P.I., collectively co-creating the most abundant and brilliant ideas, actions and manifestations that have ever been experienced on this planet!
AND we are Happy, Connected, and Abundant, with Brilliance, Simplicity and Ease!!!!!
It's a DONE DEAL and it sticks No MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!